Common Troubleshooting Questions MerkleMine Client Scripts

Getting Started

Check out the README in the merkle-mine repository for a guide on how to run the MerkleMine client scripts.


Number of candidate accounts is not equal to total genesis recipients

This error is likely because the accounts file used to create the Merkle tree is invalid such that it contains a number of account addresses that differs from the number of account addresses used to construct the genesis Merkle root stored in the MerkleMine contract.

If you run the script without providing the path to an accounts file, the script will automatically fetch a valid account set from an IPFS gateway.

Locally generated Merkle root does not match Merkle root stored in MerkleMine contract

This error is likely because the accounts file used to create the Merkle tree is invalid such that it contains account addresses that differ from the account addresses used to construct the genesis Merkle root stored in the MerkleMine contract or the account addresses in the file are not sorted according to the MerkleMine specification.

If you run the script without providing the path to an accounts file, the script will automatically fetch a valid account set from an IPFS gateway.

The recipient address was not included in the genesis state

This error is likely because the provided recipient address was not included in the set of account addresses used to construct the genesis Merkle root stored in the MerkleMine contract because it did not have a balance > .1 ETH at block 5264265, the genesis block used for the MerkleMine contract

You will have to use a different recipient address. You can also wait until the third party caller allocation period during which you can generate token allocations on behalf of another recipient and claim a percentage of the allocation for yourself. Check out the MerkleMine specification for more details on the third party caller allocation period.

Allocation for a recipient address already generated

This error is likely because the token allocation for the provided recipient address was already generated.

You will have to use a different recipient address.