Livepeer Delta Phase Pre-Proposal - Sustainability, Public Goods Funding, Treasury, and Decentralization

May 31, 2023 Status Update
Hey all, thanks for weighing in with such thoughtful comments and discussion. I appreciate those of you who took the effort to model some of the economic scenarios of various contribution rates, including @t_norm with the Messari-level analysis!

If it’s seemed quiet in the past week, it’s because I’ve been deep in a “tools + frameworks evaluation” exercise with @victorges, where we’re trying to map some of the core ideas of the pre-proposal and feedback to existing tools. We’re closing in a good potential candidate for how the protocol could keep track of enough state to support the Governor framework and tools like

The results of this analysis and prototyping will inform what can actually go into an LIP draft proposal, which is probably the next big output that I’m working on. Stand by, and as always, please weigh in with any proposals, suggestions, or ideas in the meantime.

For those in the O community or Video Builder communities, if you are looking to get ahead of self-organizing into groups to run retroactive funding rounds, then I’d suggest taking a look at some of the following tools and communities:

As these are tools that could be used or easily modified in order to conduct rounds of rewarding contributions within your communities. I’ll certainly work to propose how you could use those tools, but it doesn’t hurt to get familiar now or start organizing.