Here are some commands for running livepeer
on localhost
, connecting to Arbitrum One Rinkeby testnet (L2). They are optimised for linux, but can be adapted for mac and windows.
For beginners, this will set up a minimum viable stack of Livepeer’s video instructure software on a single host, and demonstrate a) a livestreaming server, b) live video transcoding, and c) probabilistic micropayments.
For experienced users of Livepeer, this is a good opportunity to learn a little bit about the role of -broadcaster
in Livepeer network, which can be useful in onboarding new Broadcasters in the future
If you found this useful, or have any issues, please leave a comment below.
is installed on your localhost, if not then:sudo apt install ffmpeg
latest version of
) is installed and unzipped in/home/ubuntu
, if not then:wget
tar -xzf livepeer-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd livepeer-linux-amd64
./livepeer -version
Run an Orchestrator/Transcoder
In a Terminal window, run:
./livepeer -orchestrator -transcoder \
-network arbitrum-one-rinkeby \
-ethUrl \
-pricePerUnit 100000 \
-serviceAddr \
-ethPassword password \
-v 99
Note: you will need to enter the password twice as password
when you first run this process.
Configure the O/T
In a new Terminal window, run
Make a note of the
Orchestrator Account
from theNODE STATS
. -
In a browser, request testnet ETH from:
- FaucETH
- Paradigm Faucet (requires twitter account)
- Ask in Livepeer Discord
- run command
16. Get test LPT
- run command
12. Invoke multi-step "become an orchestrator"
and follow the prompts. Bond all 10 LPT.
- run command
This will trigger four transactions to be signed and published. Wait for the final transaction (
) to be confirmed before continuing. -
Restart the O process. The Orchestrator is now ready to start doing work.
NOTE: You will have to wait until the new “round” starts before the O can redeem winning tickets. The number of the current round is found in the
1. Get node status
option inlivepeer_cli
. Each round of livepeer protocol on Arbitrum One Rinkeby network is 300 blocks (approx 1 hour). -
While you wait for a new round to start, you can set up a Broadcaster.
Run a Broadcaster
In a new Terminal window, run:
./livepeer -broadcaster \
-network arbitrum-one-rinkeby \
-ethUrl \
-httpAddr :8936 \
-cliAddr :7936 \
-rtmpAddr :1936 \
-orchAddr \
-ethPassword password \
-transcodingOptions P240p30fps16x9,P144p30fps16x9 \
-pixelsPerUnit 1 \
-maxTicketEV 1000000000000000 \
-v 99
- wait until the process reports
CLI server listening
before continuing.
Configure the B
In a new Terminal window, run
./livepeer_cli -http 7936
- note the
-http 7936
. Without this, it will connect to the O/T, not the B
- note the
Run command
11. Invoke "deposit broadcasting funds" (ETH)
- as a reference, this guide works with a deposit of 0.06 ETH and reserve of 0.02 ETH
Restart the Broadcaster process. Wait until the process reports
LPMS Server listening
before continuing.
Start streaming
- In a new Terminal window, run the following command:
ffmpeg -re -f lavfi \
-i testsrc=size=640x360:rate=30,format=yuv420p \
-f lavfi \
-i sine \
-c:v libx264 \
-b:v 1000k \
-x264-params keyint=60 \
-c:a aac \
-f flv rtmp://
This will publish a
(360p) test stream into the Broadcaster at 30fps. -
Observe the B starting to receive and serve a new livestream.
Observe the O/T starting to transcode multiple renditions of the stream (into
(240p) and256x144
(144p). -
Also observe the O/T receiving Probabilistic Micropayment tickets, and occasionally redeeming a winning ticket by calling an onchain transaction (see below for more information).
Validate output streams
- In a new Terminal window, run:
curl http://localhost:8936/stream/test_source.m3u8
This should return the following, showing all available renditions of the livestream:
- To playback the smallest rendition (
), run the following:
ffplay http://localhost:8936/stream/test_source/P144p30fps16x9.m3u8
This will play the 144p
rendition, and should like this:
Probabilistic Micropayments
When the Orchestrator receives a winning ticket, it will call the redeemWinningTicket
function onchain. This will claim the ticket’s faceValue
, and add it to the Pending Fees
. Pending Fees
can be verified in livepeer_cli
under “Delegator Stats”.
In order to withdraw these Pending Fees
, a user can call 9. Invoke "withdraw fees" (ETH)
. This will withdraw fees to the user’s wallet.
All transactions called by the node can be observed on Arbiscan Testnet explorer or Arbitrum Rinkeby explorer.
Cleaning Up
If you have finished using the Orchestrator, you can tidy up by calling 6. Invoke "unbond"
in livepeer_cli