If you are running a transcoder on a linux box, sometimes you’ll see a “too many files open” error. When this happens, the transcoder can stop doing work.
This is because the Livepeer transcoder runs an internal IPFS node. Since IPFS requires a larger file limit, you have to change your default file limit. For Ubuntu users, you can do this by:
Change /etc/security/limits.conf by adding * hard nofile 4096 and * soft nofile 40960
After that, change /etc/pam.d/common-session by adding session required pam_limits.so
Restart the machine, and verify via ulimit -a to make sure the soft/hard limits have changed.
wouldnt it make more sense to limit the ipfs connections instead of just allowing more?
in the end by running the ipfs node we are adding a unpredictable load/cost to the transcoders that could be minimized by using a private IPFS implementation as yahya mentioned,
or completely removed/made optional by using the rpc connection instead as josh mentioned.