I am trying to become a transcoder but I am finding some difficulties, maybe I am misunderstanding something something or skipping some steps. I tried with version 0.4.0 and 0.3.3
I am using mac osx Mojave 10.14 (18A391)
If more info is needed please let me know
So lets describe my issues:
I start my node
livepeer -transcoder -rinkeby -v 6
The following logs appear
I0327 17:56:03.530948 38882 livepeer.go:96] ***Livepeer is running on the Rinkeby test network: 0x37dc71366ec655093b9930bc816e16e6b587f968***
I0327 17:56:03.533007 38882 db.go:387] Initialized DB node
I0327 17:56:04.168313 38882 accountmanager.go:49] Found existing ETH account
I0327 17:56:04.168360 38882 accountmanager.go:157] Defaulting to first ETH account in keystore 0xAB1a41D7bb37351fbfa65c9bC6708fBD91253dA4
I0327 17:56:04.168378 38882 accountmanager.go:58] Using ETH account: 0xAB1a41D7bb37351fbfa65c9bC6708fBD91253dA4
I0327 17:56:05.054404 38882 accountmanager.go:76] Passphrase required to unlock ETH account 0xAB1a41D7bb37351fbfa65c9bC6708fBD91253dA4
I0327 17:56:34.177803 38882 accountmanager.go:87] Unlocked ETH account: 0xAB1a41D7bb37351fbfa65c9bC6708fBD91253dA4
I0327 17:56:34.178157 38882 client.go:229] Controller: 0x37dC71366Ec655093b9930bc816E16e6b587F968
I0327 17:56:34.302156 38882 client.go:250] LivepeerToken: 0x24f56eF2fED379421BEE64Ecafc2bC744f72522b
I0327 17:56:34.413164 38882 client.go:271] ServiceRegistry: 0x21b1E9dcFf801f71C3e5c7385FD16d0742cb64D1
I0327 17:56:34.528866 38882 client.go:292] BondingManager: 0xF6b0Ceb5e3f25b6FBecf8186F8A68B4E42A96a17
I0327 17:56:34.642483 38882 client.go:313] JobsManager: 0x0A209545bb10bC2F78713a2699795ECfEa76762D
I0327 17:56:34.757719 38882 client.go:334] RoundsManager: 0xEB0EF46B5771D523402234FF0d7596d2C62411dE
I0327 17:56:34.869246 38882 client.go:355] Minter: 0xbbce46C5C018497f13197024171Fd442d9EF5a25
I0327 17:56:34.989136 38882 client.go:376] Verifier: 0x17c492D2b555d54bD3EE826fB49d6c1ECD378d27
I0327 17:56:35.121725 38882 client.go:397] LivepeerTokenFaucet: 0xD69A2eC8f2F83267CE82A6d01837045BaE0EB9Bc
I0327 17:56:35.350660 38882 livepeer.go:326] Transcoder 0xAB1a41D7bb37351fbfa65c9bC6708fBD91253dA4 is inactive
E0327 17:56:35.874989 38882 livepeer.go:356] Could not parse service URI; transcoder may be unreachable
E0327 17:56:35.875026 38882 livepeer.go:360] Service address did not match discovered address; set the correct address in livepeer_cli or use -serviceAddr
I0327 17:56:37.491104 38882 claimmanager.go:115] Initialized DB node
I0327 17:56:37.491131 38882 db.go:581] db: Querying unclaimed receipts
I0327 17:56:38.143795 38882 eventmonitor.go:189] SubscribeNewHead successful.
I0327 17:56:38.143883 38882 livepeer.go:291] ***Livepeer Running in Transcoder Mode***
I0327 17:56:38.144028 38882 webserver.go:1223] CLI server listening on
I0327 17:56:38.143961 38882 mediaserver.go:100] Transcode Job Price: 1, Transcode Job Type: [{P240p30fps16x9 600k 30 426x240 16:9} {P360p30fps16x9 1200k 30 640x360 16:9}]
I0327 17:56:38.144125 38882 cert.go:83] Private key and cert not found. Generating
I0327 17:56:38.145097 38882 cert.go:22] Generating cert for
I0327 17:56:38.146212 38882 rpc.go:345] Listening for RPC on :8935
I0327 17:56:51.136887 38882 db.go:456] db: Setting LastSeenBlock to 4105100
I0327 17:57:06.189534 38882 db.go:456] db: Setting LastSeenBlock to 4105101
I launch the cli with
Giving me the following output
| Welcome to livepeer-cli, your Livepeer command line tool |
| |
| This tool lets you interact with a local Livepeer node |
| and participate in the Livepeer protocol without the |
| hassle that it would normally entail. |
| |
| HTTP Port | 7935 |
| Controller Address | 0x37dC71366Ec655093b9930bc816E16e6b587F968 |
| LivepeerToken Address | 0x24f56eF2fED379421BEE64Ecafc2bC744f72522b |
| LivepeerTokenFaucet Address | 0xD69A2eC8f2F83267CE82A6d01837045BaE0EB9Bc |
| ETH Account | 0xAB1a41D7bb37351fbfa65c9bC6708fBD91253dA4 |
| LPT Balance | 10000000000000000000 |
| ETH Balance | 2999798279000000000 |
| Status | Not Registered |
| Active | false |
| Service URI | |
| Delegated Stake | 0 LPTU |
| Reward Cut (%) | 0 |
| Fee Share (%) | 0 |
| Price Per Segment | 0 WEI |
| Pending Reward Cut (%) | 0 |
| Pending Fee Share (%) | 0 |
| Pending Price Per Segment | 0 WEI |
| Last Reward Round | 0 |
| Watching for new rounds to | false |
| initialize | |
| Watching for initialized | true |
| rounds to call reward | |
| Watching for new jobs | false |
| Status | Unbonded |
| Stake | 0 |
| Collected Fees | 0 |
| Pending Stake | Please fetch pending stake |
| | separately |
| Pending Fees | Please fetch pending fees |
| | separately |
| Delegated Stake | 0 |
| Delegate Address | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
| Last Claim Round | 0 |
| Start Round | 0 |
What would you like to do? (default = stats)
1. Get node status
2. View protocol parameters
3. List registered transcoders
4. Print latest jobs
5. Invoke "initialize round"
6. Invoke "bond"
7. Invoke "unbond"
8. Invoke "rebond"
9. Invoke "withdraw stake" (LPT)
10. Invoke "withdraw fees" (ETH)
11. Invoke "claim" (for rewards and fees)
12. Invoke "transfer" (LPT)
13. Invoke "reward"
14. Invoke multi-step "become a transcoder"
15. Set transcoder config
16. Set Eth gas price
17. Get test LPT
18. Get test ETH
I choose 14. Invoke multi-step "become a transcoder"
I leave all default values and 8000000000000 as bound amount
In the node logs the following appear
******************************Eth Transaction******************************
Invoking transaction: "bond". Params: [8000000000000 [171 26 65 215 187 55 53 31 191 166 92 155 198 112 143 189 145 37 61 164]]
Transaction Failed: failed to estimate gas needed: gas required exceeds allowance or always failing transaction
E0327 17:59:40.615879 38882 webserver.go:249] failed to estimate gas needed: gas required exceeds allowance or always failing transaction
I0327 17:59:51.133084 38882 db.go:456] db: Setting LastSeenBlock to 4105112
Doing some research I found
This is because the gas estimator is giving incorrect estimates. To fix it, you can manually pass in a gas limit using -gasLimit. For example, $ livepeer -transcoder -gasLimit 400000.
So I start with the following command
livepeer -transcoder -rinkeby -gasLimit 400000 -v 6
Giving me the following output
I0328 09:20:32.185672 42354 livepeer.go:96] ***Livepeer is running on the Rinkeby test network: 0x37dc71366ec655093b9930bc816e16e6b587f968***
I0328 09:20:32.197392 42354 db.go:387] Initialized DB node
I0328 09:20:32.874139 42354 accountmanager.go:49] Found existing ETH account
I0328 09:20:32.874238 42354 accountmanager.go:157] Defaulting to first ETH account in keystore 0xAB1a41D7bb37351fbfa65c9bC6708fBD91253dA4
I0328 09:20:32.874268 42354 accountmanager.go:58] Using ETH account: 0xAB1a41D7bb37351fbfa65c9bC6708fBD91253dA4
I0328 09:20:33.826190 42354 accountmanager.go:76] Passphrase required to unlock ETH account 0xAB1a41D7bb37351fbfa65c9bC6708fBD91253dA4
I0328 09:20:52.252856 42354 accountmanager.go:87] Unlocked ETH account: 0xAB1a41D7bb37351fbfa65c9bC6708fBD91253dA4
I0328 09:20:52.256687 42354 client.go:229] Controller: 0x37dC71366Ec655093b9930bc816E16e6b587F968
I0328 09:20:52.382890 42354 client.go:250] LivepeerToken: 0x24f56eF2fED379421BEE64Ecafc2bC744f72522b
I0328 09:20:52.498808 42354 client.go:271] ServiceRegistry: 0x21b1E9dcFf801f71C3e5c7385FD16d0742cb64D1
I0328 09:20:52.624866 42354 client.go:292] BondingManager: 0xF6b0Ceb5e3f25b6FBecf8186F8A68B4E42A96a17
I0328 09:20:52.805809 42354 client.go:313] JobsManager: 0x0A209545bb10bC2F78713a2699795ECfEa76762D
I0328 09:20:52.926959 42354 client.go:334] RoundsManager: 0xEB0EF46B5771D523402234FF0d7596d2C62411dE
I0328 09:20:53.046369 42354 client.go:355] Minter: 0xbbce46C5C018497f13197024171Fd442d9EF5a25
I0328 09:20:53.169043 42354 client.go:376] Verifier: 0x17c492D2b555d54bD3EE826fB49d6c1ECD378d27
I0328 09:20:53.285759 42354 client.go:397] LivepeerTokenFaucet: 0xD69A2eC8f2F83267CE82A6d01837045BaE0EB9Bc
I0328 09:20:53.557226 42354 livepeer.go:326] Transcoder 0xAB1a41D7bb37351fbfa65c9bC6708fBD91253dA4 is inactive
E0328 09:20:54.097844 42354 livepeer.go:356] Could not parse service URI; transcoder may be unreachable
E0328 09:20:54.097914 42354 livepeer.go:360] Service address did not match discovered address; set the correct address in livepeer_cli or use -serviceAddr
I0328 09:20:55.776067 42354 claimmanager.go:115] Initialized DB node
I0328 09:20:55.776445 42354 db.go:581] db: Querying unclaimed receipts
I0328 09:20:56.465073 42354 eventmonitor.go:189] SubscribeNewHead successful.
I0328 09:20:56.467304 42354 livepeer.go:291] ***Livepeer Running in Transcoder Mode***
I0328 09:20:56.468258 42354 webserver.go:1223] CLI server listening on
I0328 09:20:56.467863 42354 mediaserver.go:100] Transcode Job Price: 1, Transcode Job Type: [{P240p30fps16x9 600k 30 426x240 16:9} {P360p30fps16x9 1200k 30 640x360 16:9}]
I0328 09:20:56.468919 42354 cert.go:83] Private key and cert not found. Generating
I0328 09:20:56.470230 42354 cert.go:22] Generating cert for
I0328 09:20:56.472047 42354 rpc.go:345] Listening for RPC on :8935
I0328 09:21:09.154310 42354 db.go:456] db: Setting LastSeenBlock to 4108797
I0328 09:21:24.106527 42354 db.go:456] db: Setting LastSeenBlock to 4108798
I0328 09:21:39.145460 42354 db.go:456] db: Setting LastSeenBlock to 4108799
I run again livepeer_cli
and gives me the following output
| Welcome to livepeer-cli, your Livepeer command line tool |
| |
| This tool lets you interact with a local Livepeer node |
| and participate in the Livepeer protocol without the |
| hassle that it would normally entail. |
| |
| HTTP Port | 7935 |
| Controller Address | 0x37dC71366Ec655093b9930bc816E16e6b587F968 |
| LivepeerToken Address | 0x24f56eF2fED379421BEE64Ecafc2bC744f72522b |
| LivepeerTokenFaucet Address | 0xD69A2eC8f2F83267CE82A6d01837045BaE0EB9Bc |
| ETH Account | 0xAB1a41D7bb37351fbfa65c9bC6708fBD91253dA4 |
| LPT Balance | 10000000000000000000 |
| ETH Balance | 2999798279000000000 |
| Status | Not Registered |
| Active | false |
| Service URI | |
| Delegated Stake | 0 LPTU |
| Reward Cut (%) | 0 |
| Fee Share (%) | 0 |
| Price Per Segment | 0 WEI |
| Pending Reward Cut (%) | 0 |
| Pending Fee Share (%) | 0 |
| Pending Price Per Segment | 0 WEI |
| Last Reward Round | 0 |
| Watching for new rounds to | false |
| initialize | |
| Watching for initialized | true |
| rounds to call reward | |
| Watching for new jobs | false |
| Status | Unbonded |
| Stake | 0 |
| Collected Fees | 0 |
| Pending Stake | Please fetch pending stake |
| | separately |
| Pending Fees | Please fetch pending fees |
| | separately |
| Delegated Stake | 0 |
| Delegate Address | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
| Last Claim Round | 0 |
| Start Round | 0 |
What would you like to do? (default = stats)
1. Get node status
2. View protocol parameters
3. List registered transcoders
4. Print latest jobs
5. Invoke "initialize round"
6. Invoke "bond"
7. Invoke "unbond"
8. Invoke "rebond"
9. Invoke "withdraw stake" (LPT)
10. Invoke "withdraw fees" (ETH)
11. Invoke "claim" (for rewards and fees)
12. Invoke "transfer" (LPT)
13. Invoke "reward"
14. Invoke multi-step "become a transcoder"
15. Set transcoder config
16. Set Eth gas price
17. Get test LPT
18. Get test ETH
Again all default values and bond amount - > 8000000000000
It is giving me the following error:
******************************Eth Transaction******************************
Invoking transaction: "bond". Hash: "0xb29c961f84330da05d396af980c03f5e98931c24fb6862dc6bcb919db3e56f5c". Params: [8000000000000 [171 26 65 215 187 55 53 31 191 166 92 155 198 112 143 189 145 37 61 164]]
I0328 09:43:39.142415 42354 db.go:456] db: Setting LastSeenBlock to 4108887
E0328 09:43:39.792994 42354 webserver.go:255] tx 0xb29c961f84330da05d396af980c03f5e98931c24fb6862dc6bcb919db3e56f5c failed
This has been happening for two days trying some times, so I am not able to become a transcoder. At this point I am not sure if it is the network, I am doing something wrong or I am missing something.
When I launch livepeer --rinkeby --transcoder
I got the following error
I0328 15:15:33.084297 66992 livepeer.go:141] ***Livepeer is running on the Rinkeby test network: 0x37dc71366ec655093b9930bc816e16e6b587f968***
I0328 15:15:33.084456 66992 livepeer.go:177] Creating data dir: /Users/dcortes/.lpData/rinkeby
E0328 15:15:33.084481 66992 livepeer.go:179] Error creating datadir: mkdir /Users/dcortes/.lpData/rinkeby: no such file or directory
E0328 15:15:33.088274 66992 db.go:115] Error initializing schema unable to open database file
E0328 15:15:33.088343 66992 livepeer.go:186] Error opening DB%!(EXTRA sqlite3.Error=unable to open database file)
I can fix that with mkdir -p /Users/dcortes/.lpData/rinkeby
Now I can run the cli with livepeer_cli
| Welcome to livepeer-cli, your Livepeer command line tool |
| |
| This tool lets you interact with a local Livepeer node |
| and participate in the Livepeer protocol without the |
| hassle that it would normally entail. |
| |
| HTTP Port | 7935 |
| Controller Address | 0x37dC71366Ec655093b9930bc816E16e6b587F968 |
| LivepeerToken Address | 0x24f56eF2fED379421BEE64Ecafc2bC744f72522b |
| LivepeerTokenFaucet Address | 0xD69A2eC8f2F83267CE82A6d01837045BaE0EB9Bc |
| ETH Account | 0xD9d9f111BD18eDE64167D39eAaD9D16fB9E6D8C1 |
| LPT Balance | 10000000000000000000 |
| ETH Balance | 2999924232000000000 |
| Status | Not Registered |
| Active | false |
| Service URI | |
| Delegated Stake | 0 LPTU |
| Reward Cut (%) | 0 |
| Fee Share (%) | 0 |
| Price Per Segment | 0 WEI |
| Pending Reward Cut (%) | 0 |
| Pending Fee Share (%) | 0 |
| Pending Price Per Segment | 0 WEI |
| Last Reward Round | 0 |
| Watching for new rounds to | false |
| initialize | |
| Watching for initialized | true |
| rounds to call reward | |
| Status | Unbonded |
| Stake | 0 |
| Collected Fees | 0 |
| Pending Stake | Please fetch pending stake |
| | separately |
| Pending Fees | Please fetch pending fees |
| | separately |
| Delegated Stake | 0 |
| Delegate Address | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
| Last Claim Round | 0 |
| Start Round | 0 |
What would you like to do? (default = stats)
1. Get node status
2. View protocol parameters
3. List registered orchestrators
4. Invoke "initialize round"
5. Invoke "bond"
6. Invoke "unbond"
7. Invoke "rebond"
8. Invoke "withdraw stake" (LPT)
9. Invoke "withdraw fees" (ETH)
10. Invoke "claim" (for rewards and fees)
11. Invoke "transfer" (LPT)
12. Invoke "reward"
13. Invoke multi-step "become an orchestrator"
14. Set orchestrator config
15. Set Eth gas price
16. Get test LPT
17. Get test ETH
Just in case I tried livepeer_cli -transcoder
as I see here but it is not a valid parameter
Incorrect Usage. flag provided but not defined: -transcoder
livepeer-cli - interact with local Livepeer node
livepeer_cli [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--http value local cli port (default: "7935")
--host value host for the Livepeer node (default: "localhost")
--loglevel value log level to emit to the screen (default: 4)
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version