A lot of people have asked about participating as a transcoder in the testnet.
Transcoders dedicate computation resources to the network by running transcoding nodes. This means transcoders are doing work for the network by transcoding videos from broadcasters. In exchange, transcoders earn a fee from the broadcasters.
Transcoders also get to “claim rewards” from the network. This is similar to the miners getting “block reward” in Bitcoin. In its current implementation, the rewards will decline over time, similar to the Bitcoin network.
In order to get work, transcoders have to bond Livepeer token to themselves, or get other delegators to bond toward them. A good way to get delegators is by sharing a percentage of the fee and rewards. Top n transcoders will be active and eligible for doing work and claiming rewards.
Transcoders are responsible for invoking all Ethereum transactions involved in participating in the Livepeer protocol. This includes “initializing rounds”, “claiming work”, “verifying work”, and “claiming reward”. If a transcoder does NOT fulfill its duties, it will be slashed by the protocol.
The Livepeer node includes all of the above logic. To run a transcoder node, follow Becoming a Transcoder. Make sure it’s running on a stable machine with constant internet connection.
For now, there can be 5 active transcoders in the testnet. That number may change in the testing period.