Livepeer Orchestrator Business Model - Updates and Grant Progress

Phase 1 - Completion Update

Dear Livepeer community,

We’re feelings excited to release the Phase 1 feature scope update of the Livepeer Network and Orchestrator Model we recently received a grant for.

Find the updated model here.

The following features were added to the model as per Phase 1 scope:

  • Model dashboard summarizing the key data interpretation (e.g. is this pixel price competitive, should it be changed, at which point should an orchestrator scale up its operation, etc.)
  • Additional cost models based on variable input costs, e.g. electricity, bandwidth, demand-side, etc.)

See the full set of updates on the “Grant Scope and Changelog” tab of the model.

The next step is to complete another set of updates for Phase 2. Community feedback and votes for the Phase 2 feature set are always welcome! We’ll be requesting your input to vote on the features you’d like to see included.

Best regards,

Chris / Chainflow x Gleb

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