Hi Orchestrators! Over the past few months, the Livepeer Studio team has been engaged in conversations with a 1st-tier livestreaming platform (top 10 in the world by volume). We’re happy to share this customer is setting up to scale up traffic on Livepeer Studio in late February. We think this opportunity represents a big step towards establishing Livepeer network’s credibility in the global transcoding market.
As you might imagine, this was a very competitive deal; platforms of this size have extraordinary negotiating power, receive huge discounts on rack rates, and even have the ability to operate their own infrastructure. We’ve spent the past 4 months working through the transcoding cost to support this customer’s commercial and technical due diligence process. This message is the start of a conversation about its potential impact on the Livepeer network.
< Network Impact TLDR >
Traffic - We expect this customer to 3-5x current transcoding minutes on the Livepeer network as they ramp up traffic over a few months. Orchestrator nodes should see higher utilization. We suspect the current capacity in the network can handle this increase, but would like to gut check with you on this.
Pricing - PPP will need to reduce dramatically (and quickly) to 60-70ppp for it to be economically viable to support this user at this scale. They have pushed very hard on price, and even have alternatives that are similar in cost effectiveness.
Net result - In the short term, if node operators can handle the traffic increase, they should make about the same amount of ETH fees as today. In the longer term, we think this increase in traffic can attract more scaled applications, and thereby increasing fees for all.
Timing - We hope to see traffic start to ramp up in mid March. Our current plan is to roll out new pricing a few days prior to that, with the exact date still TBD.
< Details >
To administer this customer (and similar future customers) at breakeven, we need to achieve a cost of $0.50 / 1k mins (~$0.03 / hr) of transcoding for a full ladder (1080p/720p/480p/360p). This works out to around 70 wei per pixel. While there is clear evidence that the network is capable of providing high-quality service at this price point, we consider it highly unlikely that market forces will drive price low enough within the next 2-3 weeks.
In the ideal world, price adjustments like this would happen over a longer period of time, potentially via dynamic and permissionless price discovery. But given the technical complexity, the sensitive timing, and the potential significance of the deal, we are reaching out to directly solicit your feedback.
We also plan to increase the stake weight with this roll out to help increase market competition.