Livepeer Network and Orchestrator Model: Phase 2 Release
Dear Livepeer community,
We’re excited to release the final Phase 2 feature scope of our Livepeer Network and Orchestrator Model we received the grant to develop.
Find the updated model here.
The following features were added to the model as per Phase II scope:
- Demand-side scenarios based on real-world benchmarks (e.g. onboarding X users, generating Y% of streaming, onboarding a partner, etc.)
- Suggestion for a demand function (e.g. being able to model the impact of the pixel price change on the transcoding revenue)
Here’s the full changelog, taken from the Grant Scope and Changelog tab -
- Changelog of Phase 2
- Added the tab “Streaming Bechmarks”, with research and video streaming industry benchmarks. (feature #4)
- Added Benchmark cell to the “Orchestrator Dashboard” tab, allowing to see how the Livepeer network load compares to the other streaming and video platforms. (feature #4)
- Added the tab “Demand Modeling”, a basic model of a transcoding service demand function. This shows demand, as well as the supply corridor of an individual O based on historic transcoding data. (feature #3)
- Added transcoding revenue changed based on pixel price changes to the “Orchestrator Dashboard” tab. (feature #3)
- Added Phase II tabs to the Model Guide
- Certain visuals were reworked
- Added new cell comments and explanations
Stay tuned for a separate community call and model walk-through!
We’re happy to receive feedback and questions in the comments of this forum post in the meantime.
Best regards,
Chris of Chainflow & Gleb of T-Systems and StakingRewards