Nvidia Quadro T600 benchmark

Nvidia Quadro T600 (Turing TU117 6th Gen 4GB DDR6) -
Like the Quadro P400, this appears to be capable of more (>14) streams in real-time but is limited by its RAM.

| Source File         | bbb/source.m3u8         |
| Transcoding Options | transcodingOptions.json |
| Concurrent Sessions | 14                      |
| Live Mode           | true                    |
| MPEG-7 Sign Mode    | false                   |
| Nvidia GPU IDs      | 00000000:02:00.0        |

| Concurrent Sessions          | 14                  |
| Total Segs Transcoded        | 420                 |
| Real-Time Segs Transcoded    | 420                 |
| * Real-Time Segs Ratio *     | 1                   |
| Total Source Duration        | 840s                |
| Total Transcoding Duration   | 117.09471419300002s |
| * Real-Time Duration Ratio * | 0.1394              |

seems to be an interesting card for a small form factor build! Can you comment on the noise level of the card during transcoding?

Virtually inaudible over the case fans and a 1070 idling in the neighbouring PCIe slot.

It has a tiny fan, max power consumption is 40W, 10W over the Quadro P400. nvidia-smi does not even report power consumption for cards that only pull power from the PCIe slot.

I’d say it’s safe to install 3 of these in a SFF PC you keep on the desk and not worry about its noise, case fans will be louder.

2GB more RAM on this or the T1000 should equal or surpass 1660 Super’s, probably.

Great card to populate the PCIe slot furthest from the CPU which often cannot accommodate a 2x PCIe slot wide card without a riser.