Nvidia Quadro T600 (Turing TU117 6th Gen 4GB DDR6) -
Like the Quadro P400, this appears to be capable of more (>14) streams in real-time but is limited by its RAM.
| Source File | bbb/source.m3u8 |
| Transcoding Options | transcodingOptions.json |
| Concurrent Sessions | 14 |
| Live Mode | true |
| MPEG-7 Sign Mode | false |
| Nvidia GPU IDs | 00000000:02:00.0 |
| Concurrent Sessions | 14 |
| Total Segs Transcoded | 420 |
| Real-Time Segs Transcoded | 420 |
| * Real-Time Segs Ratio * | 1 |
| Total Source Duration | 840s |
| Total Transcoding Duration | 117.09471419300002s |
| * Real-Time Duration Ratio * | 0.1394 |