Parameter Change: Increase max rounds for claiming earnings from 20 to 100

This post describes a a change to the max number of rounds for claiming earnings from 20 to 100 that is currently set to take place on Tuesday October 2nd during round 1118.


The maxEarningsClaimsRounds state variable in the BondingManager currently controls what the maximum number of rounds a delegator can claim earnings for
within a single transaction. This is primarily a protection for smart contract users so that they do not try to claim through a number of rounds that is too large such that
the transaction would run out of gas and the user would lose the full associated transaction fee.

Reasons for the change

  • Improve UX such that users can claim earnings for more rounds per transaction and as a result submit less transactions if they have not executed a bonding action or claimed earnings for a long period of time. Users only have to submit an additional transaction every 100 rounds.

Note: this change will simply increase the max number of rounds that earnings can be claimed for - users can always choose to claim earnings for less than this number of rounds if they are manually submitting claimEarnings() transactions.

Open discussion

Have any concerns or questions about this parameter update? Share them here! We welcome all input and discussion before making any updates to the protocol.

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What is the reason for having a limit?

This is primarily a protection for smart contract users so that they do not try to claim through a number of rounds that is too large such that
the transaction would run out of gas and the user would lose the full associated transaction fee.

There is certainly an argument for not having this requirement at the smart contract level at all (which can be considered separately IMO), but in the interest of keeping the changes minimal for the time being, we can simply update the existing state variable increasing the limit on the number of rounds that a delegator can claim through in a single transaction.

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Thanks for these great update

This parameter change update has been deployed as of 10/2/18 at 8:00pm ET. It is now possible to claimRewards for 100 rounds at once rather than just 20 rounds at once through the node or by interacting with the protocol directly. Though the UI in the explorer still needs a small update to allow you to select more than 20 rounds.


Very nice. Thank you.