Starting orchestrator gives an Error

Im using Ubuntu 20
I have started an livepeer in a terminal window and received ping request.
Then I have started livepeer_cli in another terminal window. Fund my address with LPT and ETH which are now seen in the status in a cli.

When I go with option 12 - invoke multi-step “become an orchestrator” and input all parameters I got the:

Invoking transaction: "approve". Inputs: "spender: 0x****** value: **********" Hash: "0***************".

After sometime then I get the error:

E0403 18:37:35.985280 2788 handlers.go:38] HTTP Response Error 500: execution reverted: system is paused

In EtherScan I can see that LPT in my account has transaction method approve but status of a node is NOT REGISTERED and Active is FALSE.
Delegator status is UNBOUNDED

After some time I received those errors:

E0403 18:44:03.015230    2788 handlers.go:38] HTTP Response Error 500: execution reverted: system is paused
2022/04/03 18:49:05 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
E0404 02:30:46.772615    2788 block_watcher.go:121] blockwatch.Watcher error encountered - trying again on next polling interval err="Post \"**************\": http2: Transport: cannot retry err [http2: Transport received Server's graceful shutdown GOAWAY] after Request.Body was written; define Request.GetBody to avoid this error"