Unlock LPT doesn´t work?

I’ve been trying to “unlock LPT” for 5 hours now, but it´s impossible to get it through with
Metamask? Can somebody help me please?

Hi. If your metamask transaction appears still pending, then the user interface gives you the option to “speed up the transaction” by submitting it with a higher gas price. What step are you stuck on?

Hi, thanks for reply…
The Metamask “Activity” shows " Approve LPT spend limit queued"…
It´s no option to change anything in this stage unless “cancel”, and if I chose to cancel I must pay another fee.
I know I can pay more “gas” to get it passed, but it soon begin to be more expensive than the asset itself with all the fees together now…
I have tried several times with the lowest option of fees, but it´s no different…