Building the Live Pioneers Community - Seeking Your Support!

Hello Livepeer Community,

We are excited to share a proposal that aims to establish a dedicated community initiative called Live Pioneers, inspired by the success of the Graphtronauts community. Our goal is to grow and educate the community of Delegators, encouraging active participation in the Livepeer ecosystem. Through educational resources, collaborative projects, and dedicated support channels, we aim to foster a vibrant, inclusive, and knowledgeable community.

The Graphtronauts Model

Graphtronauts, the largest unofficial community for GRT holders, has successfully integrated members into The Graph ecosystem through various channels like their app, Telegram, Twitter, blog, YouTube, Reddit, and Farcaster. We propose to adapt this model for Livepeer to achieve similar success.

Our Proposal for Livepeer

â—Ź Telegram Community
â—‹ Establish a new Telegram group to support onboarding and delegator journeys.
â—‹ Focus strictly on educational content and active support, avoiding price speculation.

â—Ź Blog
â—‹ Launch a blog to provide comprehensive educational content.
â—‹ Use simple language to make information accessible to non-tech-savvy users.
○ Include a “Know Your Orchestrator” interview series.

â—Ź YouTube - @livepioneers
â—‹ Create a YouTube channel to offer visual and interactive learning experiences.
â—‹ Produce tutorials, live demos, and breakdowns of complex topics.

â—Ź X (Twitter) - @livepioneers
â—‹ Utilize X for strategic content and engagement.
â—‹ Amplify delegation efforts, attract new participants, and support network growth.

â—Ź Brand New App
â—‹ Develop the Live Pioneers app to track rewards and enhance engagement.
â—‹ Release a beta version with a user-friendly rewards dashboard for delegators.

â—Ź Discord & Public Forum
â—‹ Provide ongoing support in existing Discord and Discourse channels.
â—‹ Enhance the legitimacy of Live Pioneers and strengthen community entry points for newcomers.

Why Your Support Matters

By supporting this proposal, you are helping to build a robust and supportive community that empowers members to actively contribute to Livepeer’s growth and success. Our primary focus is on expanding the Delegators’ community, ensuring that everyone has the resources and support they need to participate effectively.

We believe that with your support, Live Pioneers can become a cornerstone of the Livepeer community, driving engagement, education, and participation. Let’s work together to create a brighter future for Livepeer!

Thank you for your consideration and support. Please share your thoughts, feedback, and any additional ideas you may have to help us work towards.

Best regards,
Live Pioneers Team


Can you provide any details on how the funds will be utilized? How did you calculate the total amount requested?

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Sure, happy to provide more info.

Our team is made of six people that will be involved into:

  • App Development and Maintenance: one dedicated person
  • Community Moderation: four persons, covering different time zones, in order to provide 24x7 support
  • Content Creation/Blog: two persons able to produce two articles (plus videos) per month
  • Content Creation/Know Your Orchestrator: one dedicated person to produce two articles per month

Regarding Community Moderation, we will be active on these platforms:

  • Our own X/Twitter account
  • Our own Telegram channel
  • Livepeer Discord (mainly Delegators channel)
  • Livepeer Public Forum

The requested amount of 1,000 LPT is for three months, this means we will distribute ~333LPT equally each month to the six team members, for ~55LPT per person.

Please note: we will ensure that the entire amount will be delegated and utilized within the network.

Also, we have a document outlining our proposal as well, where you can find also more info on what we plan to build, and where the team members are located, I’m not allowed to post links here, but we put the link in the treasury proposal.

Let us know if you have further questions, happy to answer :pray:

Thank you for the prompt response. Being able to deliver according to the plan is a great way to assure the voters about the validity of the project.

Looking at the history of the youtube channel and blog posts I can verify that you started to post about Livepeer actively starting in April. In my opinion, if there was a way to release the funds for the past work completed until now and reward the project monthly according to the delivered goals of

  • App Development and Maintenance: one dedicated person
  • Community Moderation: four persons, covering different time zones, in order to provide 24x7 support
  • Content Creation/Blog: two persons able to produce two articles (plus videos) per month
  • Content Creation/Know Your Orchestrator: one dedicated person to produce two articles per month

would make me more likely to vote postivey.


Yes, I can confirm that we started internally mid March, but started to post early in April. Ideally, if we get approved, the initial 1,000 LPT will be used to fund also retroactively for Apr-May and the month of June.

Also as said, we are here for the long term, so our idea is to put the LPT tokens to work in the network. We are all part of another community that is named Graphtronauts, where we built the delegator community for The Graph … and we are still there after 3+ years.

Our aim is to make sure more people get onboard in web3, we are not interested in price speculation as this is a topic we always avoid. We are focused on the tech side, make sure non tech people understand that crypto is not a “casino” but that there are real builders who wants to make an impact and change the status quo.

I cannot post links, but if you search on Google for “Graphtronauts” … you will find us … and feel free to join there :slight_smile:

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Grateful for the Support and Excited for the Future

Since forming our community at the beginning of March, we have received incredible support.
A huge thank you to the entire Livepeer community, all the Orchestrators, and every LPT holder who voted for our Treasury proposal.

We are incredibly honored to receive this grant and we feel blessed to be part of this amazing group of people and have already built so many connections.
We believe this is the beginning of long friendships,

We will ensure more people get onboard as Delegators and continue to support the Livepeer ecosystem for the long term!

Thank you again to support us in our common journey.

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