Pre-Proposal for Building Live Pioneers - 2nd wave

Hello Livepeer Community,
After our initial launch in early April 2024, we are now ready to begin the second wave of our grant, which will span the next twelve months.

The first Treasury Proposal funded our community’s startup from April to June 2024 (link here). This new proposal will support our activities for the upcoming year, including retroactively funding work done since July 2024. The requested funds will cover our initiatives from July 2024 to June 2025.

Our primary focus is to increase the number of delegators by offering comprehensive educational resources, fostering collaboration, and providing dedicated support channels. To further extend our reach, we are expanding our content to eight additional languages, ensuring a global outreach that engages a diverse and inclusive community. This initiative aims to cultivate active participation and support the growth of Livepeer worldwide.

Core Team

  • Paolo (UTC +1): Team Lead

  • Liam (UTC): App Development

  • CM (UTC): Content Creation & Community Moderation

  • Ghostym (UTC -4): Know Your Orchestrator & Global Community Lead

  • Paul (UTC -4): Technical Writer & Community Moderation

  • NSun (UTC -8): Technical Writer & Community Moderation

Regional Team

Additional eight local Community Moderators will be onboarded for our new Project Global Reach. Our 1st wave of regional moderators are already part of the team:

  • Andy from Koblenz, Germany
  • Chris from Beijing, China
  • Lorena from Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Margarita from Minsk, Belarus

Live Pioneers initial launch

Live Pioneers is the first unofficial community for long term LPT holders and supporters of the Livepeer protocol :arrow_forward:

We are active on these platforms:

Our initial efforts have focused on building a comprehensive knowledge base through articles on our Medium Blog and actively promoting our content and community on X/Twitter platform. This has been crucial in establishing a solid foundation and engaging with our audience.

Our Proposal for the 2nd wave of our Grant

1. Project Global Reach: establishing a global community
The Live Pioneer community aims to foster a global environment by translating and adapting our platform into eight additional languages: Chinese, German, Russian, Sponish, French, Italian, Japanese, and Portuguese. We will roll out the project in two waves:

1st wave (more info here)

2nd wave - [starting Oct, 2024]

  • French: TBD

  • Italian: TBD

  • Japanese: TBD

  • Portuguese: TBD

This localization project will expand our reach, enhance user experience, and promote inclusivity. The goals include translating our blog, including the delegation guides and the "Know Your Orchestrators’’ interviews. Additionally, we aim to provide support in all these languages through our Telegram group and within the official Livepeer Discord Server, in the relative language specific channels.

Expected outcomes include increased user engagement, community growth, and an enhanced global presence for Livepeer. By making Live Pioneers accessible to non-English speaking users, and offering support through our Telegram group and the official Discord server, we aim to strengthen the brand of Livepeer and empower more people to discover the benefits of delegating their LPT tokens.

2. Telegram Community -
We will continue building our Telegram group, focused on onboarding more people into the ecosystem and supporting them in their journey to becoming long-term delegators. While price speculation will be avoided, we will be quite vocal about the benefits of staking LPT, including its high yield.

3. Brand New App -
Our brand new app, launched on July 1st, will empower delegators by allowing them to effortlessly track rewards and stay engaged. While we’ve just started, we plan to roll out new features for developers and continuously improve the user experience.

4. Blog -
We will keep working on our blog, which complements the Telegram group, providing a solid foundation for educating more people about Livepeer. The blog has its main focus on onboarding newbies by using simple, easy-to-understand language for non tech-savvy people, together with the Know Your Orchestrator (KYO) series of interviews.

5. YouTube -
We will grow our presence in our YouTube channel to complement the Blog and the Telegram group. Community members can read our guides and watch videos for a richer learning experience about Livepeer. From tutorials to live demos, we aim to break down complex topics into easy-to-understand content.

6. X -
Our group will harness the power of X to propel Livepeer’s mission forward. By crafting compelling content and strategic engagements, we aim to amplify delegation efforts, attract new participants, and bolster the network’s growth.

7. Discord + Public Forum support
We will provide support both in the existing delegating channel in Discord and in the existing delegating section within the Public Forum. Our aim is to become the entry point for newcomers, guide them in joining the Livepeer ecosystem and becoming long-term delegators.

Funding Request

For the continuation of our initiatives we are requesting 6,480 LPT per year:

  • Core Team (six people): 4,800 LPT per year
    • 400 LPT per month
  • Global Community Moderators: 1,680 LPT per year
    • 80 LPT per month for the quarter Jul-Sep (to cover 4 people)
    • 160 LPT per month from October onwards (to cover 8 people)

The requested funds will be received in the following multi-sig wallet owned by the core team (on Arbitrum):

We believe this distribution will ensure the effective continuation and expansion of our activities, enabling both our core team and global community to foster the growth and engagement of the Livepeer ecosystem. Our goal is to grow the community of delegators across the world, enhancing participation and support within the network.


As we embark on the second wave of our grant initiative, we are excited to continue building a vibrant and supportive community of long-term delegators for Livepeer. Our efforts, launched in early April 2024, have been focused on expanding our global reach and providing comprehensive educational resources.

With the support from our first Treasury Proposal, we successfully established a foundation for our community. Now, with your continued support, we aim to further our mission from July 2024 to June 2025. Our initiatives include launching the Project Global Reach, enhancing our Telegram Community, expanding our Live Pioneers App, enriching our Blog, growing our presence on YouTube, engaging with the community on X, and providing support on Discord and Public Forum.

We are requesting 6,480 LPT per year to sustain these activities, distributed among our core team and global community moderators. This funding will allow us to continue creating valuable content, fostering global inclusivity, and supporting new and existing delegators.

Our goal is to cultivate a strong and engaged community of delegators who believe in the long-term potential of Livepeer. We invite all community members to join us in this journey, support our initiatives, and help build a thriving Livepeer ecosystem. Together, we can achieve great things and make a lasting impact. Let’s keep building!

Thank you for your support :pray:
The Live Pioneers Team
Join Us


Love the enthusiasm of the team and its dedication to the livepeer community. Is it possible to gather the metrics and report it with the proposal about noticeable changes in either social media channel followers/members. It would help out lots of the voters to see exactly what impact the has been so far.

Also, I believe the quarterly request for the funding was a better approach as we would get to review the updates in each quarter and suggest or receive feedback on the project direction and/or outcomes.

Thank you for the whole Live Pioneers team for making livepeer well known in the web3 communities and outside.


I love the initiative and I think we could highly benefit from multi language support.

This might be a good option for the payment stream contract for a year long commitment. I think it would help build confidence in getting a proposal approved.

Otherwise excited to talk about this more in tomorrows treasury call.


gm! Thank you for the kind words! We can definitely include metrics. However, since we started all our social channels from scratch, the percentage increase would be disproportionately favorable for us, which is why we didn’t include it initially.

We can certainly adjust our reporting methods, and I’ll discuss this with the team. We’re always open to ideas and feedback from the community, so please keep the suggestions coming.

Regarding the quarterly funding request, we plan to explore Titan’s recommendation of a gradual fund release with a “payment stream” over 12 months. The main reason for this is that resubmitting the grant every three months is time-consuming, and we prefer to focus our efforts on building within the ecosystem. Additionally, we don’t want the community to grow tired of hearing from us too frequently :slight_smile:

Also, as a team, we monitor our goals and milestones and hold each other accountable if they are not met.

Looking forward to the treasury call to talk more :slightly_smiling_face:


Sure, here are some initial stats. We will also share screenshots from the various platforms for full transparency:
Live Pioneers initial launch and some statistics

Medium Blog (Apr to Jun 2024)

  • Apr: 247 views, 103 reads
  • May: 314 views, 181 reads
  • Jun: 240 views, 136 reads

X/Twitter (last 90 days)

  • Reached 161 followers since Apr, 1st
  • 48,700+ impressions in the last three months (times our posts were seen on X)
  • 1,900+ videos views (number of video views in our posts)

I love that you’re expanding into other languages.

How are you tracking success in that regard (i.e. increasing the number of delegators)? And are there any plans of outbound outreach?


Also this is from X Analytics:

This about our Medium Blog:




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Regarding tracking success, we believe the two most important metrics to follow are:

  • Participation Rate
  • Delegators amount

Our goal is to closely track these two key metrics to reverse the current decline in the number of delegators. By concentrating on the strategies outlined in our pre-proposal, we aim to foster positive momentum, leading to sustained growth and a more active, engaged community of delegators. As a side note, it’s important to mention that all core team members are also delegators, and our shared wallet is actively delegating as well, which you can view here.

Regarding a possible outbound reach, our first priority at the moment is to establish a strong, well-known brand that resonates with our audience. Once we’ve achieved brand recognition, we can then focus on developing an outbound reach strategy to further expand our influence. This approach is likely something we can target for the second half of 2025. Thanks for the hint—it’s definitely a valuable consideration for our long-term planning :pray:

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After careful consideration, and given that we already have four Regional Moderators (Chinese, German, Russian, Spanish) working with us since last July, we believe it would be more effective to submit two Treasury Proposals:

  • One to fund the Retroactive Grant for the period from July to September.
  • Another one, using the Payment Stream Contract, to cover the subsequent nine months, from October ’24 to June ’25.

As always, we are eager to hear feedback from the community and welcome any thoughts or suggestions you may have. Thanks for the continued support :pray:

Our updated Treasury Proposal can be found here:

  • Livepeer Explorer: here
  • Google Doc: here

:tada: A Huge Thank You to the Livepeer Community :tada:

We’re beyond proud to announce that we’ve received final approval—with 98.3% support and a 49.1% participation rate—for a new grant that will sustain our work for the next 12 months :champagne:

Your overwhelming trust and support mean the world to us!

We are incredibly thankful for our amazing team and to the whole Livepeer community. We already made so many new friends here, and we cannot be more happy to build with all of you :brick:

Together, we’re building something extraordinary. Thank you :green_heart: