-ethURL: command not found

When I try to connect to a Infura endpoint. Like the documentation advises here: Livepeer - Connect to Ethereum

I get an error that says: “-ethURL: command not found”. Is the flag -ethURL still valid? Or do I need to use something else to connect to an infura node?

Do you have an Infura account and passing your link? I.e.:
-ethUrl https://<network>.infura.io/v3/<your_project_id>

Where <network> will be either rinkeby or mainnet depending on whether you’re running on the testnet or the mainnet, while <your_projet_id> is essentially your Infura key.

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I fixed the Issue. Thank you for your help. the problem was that I was using upper case latters for URL. the flasg should be like -ethUrl. Actually I think there might be an Issue in the Documentation: Livepeer - Activation
because I see they used Upper case letter here too.

Thanks for reporting that @Philip - I’ve made a Pull Request to the documentation repository on github to fix the capitalisation issue.

Please feel free to provide any further details in the PR.

Did you manage to get your node up and running?

All the best, Chris

Yes I think my node is running. But there is still some errors that I am trying to resolve.

| Status | Registered |
| Active | true |
| Service URI | https://transcoder.xyz.org:1010 |
| Delegated Stake | 1.5 LPT |
| Reward Cut (%) | 5 |
| Fee Share (%) | 50 |
| Last Reward Round | 0 |
| Base price per pixel | 1 wei / 1 pixels |

For example I don’t understand why it says “private key and cert not found”. And then I also get a TLS Handshake error.

I0426 13:26:41.774026 5834 livepeer.go:919] Livepeer Running in Orchestrator Mode
I0426 13:26:41.774137 5834 webserver.go:72] CLI server listening on
I0426 13:26:41.774185 5834 cert.go:83] Private key and cert not found. Generating
I0426 13:26:41.774741 5834 cert.go:22] Generating cert for transcoder.xyz.org
I0426 13:26:41.775535 5834 rpc.go:167] Listening for RPC on :1010
2021/04/26 13:26:42 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
2021/04/26 13:26:42 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
2021/04/26 13:26:42 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
2021/04/26 13:26:42 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
2021/04/26 13:26:42 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
I0426 13:26:43.838428 5834 rpc.go:207] Received Ping request
E0426 13:27:16.995767 5834 block_watcher.go:124] blockwatch.Watcher error encountered - trying again on next polling interval err=504 Gateway Timeout

The “Private key and cert not going.” is not an error, it’s a I message, which stands for “Information”. The process can’t find the cert / key, so it generates one… where it says “Generating”.

The TLS handshake errors are reporting the end of the file from those outside IP addresses.

As for the 504 Gateway Timeout E error, I don’t know about that - are you using Infura or a local RPC endpoint for your -ethUrl?

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Okay I am gald the “cert” thing is as it should be. Yes I am using Infura. The issue seems to be resolved now. Although I don’t know what the cause was. Thank you for your generous help.