Error getting LivepeerToken address: ErrNoResult

Hi !

First, i just want to say that i’m very enthousiast for Livepeer.

So, i tryed to use Livepeer like a transcoder in a first time.

I installed Geth on my Ubuntu 16, eth.syncyng return false.
I launched Geth with this command line :
$ /usr/bin/geth --syncmode “light” --rpc --rpcapi db,eth,net,web3,personal --rpccorsdomain "" --ws --wsaddr=“localhost” --wsorigins “localhost” --wsport 8546*

And Livepeer with this one :
$ ./livepeer_linux/livepeer -transcoder -ethUrl http://localhost:8546

Then the sad result :
I0402 12:11:57.448119 1548 livepeer.go:110] Livepeer is running on the Ethereum main network: 0xf96d54e490317c557a967abfa5d6e33006be69b3
I0402 12:11:57.451346 1548 accountmanager.go:58] Using ETH account: 0xcFEeB07A27258a18Aa38095dEBb4db5A437098f2
I0402 12:11:57.924945 1548 accountmanager.go:76] Passphrase required to unlock ETH account 0xcFEeB07A27258a18Aa38095dEBb4db5A437098f2
I0402 12:12:05.484056 1548 accountmanager.go:87] Unlocked ETH account: 0xcFEeB07A27258a18Aa38095dEBb4db5A437098f2
E0402 12:12:05.485860 1548 client.go:233] Error getting LivepeerToken address: ErrNoResult
E0402 12:12:05.486071 1548 livepeer.go:191] Failed to setup client: ErrNoResult

Do you have any idea or do you need more information ? I already have some LPT on my account.


Arghh, i saw my errors.
I changed to
/usr/bin/geth --syncmode "light" --rpc --rpcapi db,eth,net,web3,personal --rpccorsdomain "*" --ws --wsorigins "*" --wsport 8546 And : ./livepeer_linux/livepeer -transcoder -ethUrl ws://localhost:8546

With livepeer_client i did a “14. Invoke multi-step “become a transcoder”” with default value.
Livepeer seems to be stuck in the state : invoking transaction : “transcoder”.
livepeer_client has return on the main menu.
The node status give me :
| HTTP Port | 7935 |
| Controller Address | 0xF96D54E490317c557A967ABfA5d6e33006BE69b3 |
| LivepeerToken Address | 0x58b6A8A3302369DAEc383334672404Ee733aB239 |
| LivepeerTokenFaucet Address | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
| ETH Account | 0xcFEeB07A27258a18Aa38095dEBb4db5A437098f2 |
| LPT Balance | 2074217963081069999 |
| ETH Balance | 277230035000000000 |
| Status | Not Registered |
| Active | false |
| Service URI | https://92.*** ^-^ 8:8935 |

| Delegated Stake | 0 LPTU |

| Reward Cut (%) | 0 |
| Fee Share (%) | 0 |
| Price Per Segment | 0 WEI |
| Pending Reward Cut (%) | 10 |
| Pending Fee Share (%) | 5 |
| Pending Price Per Segment | 1 WEI |
| Last Reward Round | 0 |
| Watching for new rounds to | false |
| initialize | |
| Watching for initialized | true |
| rounds to call reward | |
| Watching for new jobs | false |
| Status | Bonded |
| Stake | 1 |
| Collected Fees | 0 |
| Pending Stake | 1 |
| Pending Fees | 0 |
| Delegated Stake | 1 |
| Delegate Address | 0xcFEeB07A27258a18Aa38095dEBb4db5A437098f2 |
| Last Claim Round | 1299 |
| Start Round | 1300 |

Believe me, i try my best

I suspect that the node is showing as not registered because it doesn’t have enough stake to break into the top 30. You can try delegating towards this node address first, with enough stake (or campaigning here), and then invoking the transcoder txn.

This is a quick guess. I’m not positive this is the issue.