How to Securely Link Your 3box Profile to your Orchestrator Node

3box allows users to add external Ethereum accounts to their profile, so they can enjoy the benefits of a profile web UI, but also keep their keys in a secure environment. This is facilitated by signing a message off-chain with your Orchestrator account authorizing the use of a profile. You can sign your 3box message using the Livepeer CLI (recommended) or MyCrypto. Below are instructions on how.


*Note: If you’ve already set up a profile on the Explorer, you may skip over to step 4.

Step 1

First things first, connect to your web3 wallet using Portis or Metamask in the Livepeer Explorer. This should be a completely separate account from your Transcoder account.

Step 2

Inside "My Account’ click “Set Up Your Profile”.

Step 2

Approve the signing prompts in your web3 wallet to continue setting up your profile.

Step 3

Enter your profile information and hit save.

Step 4

Note: if using MyCrypto, skip to the section titled Instructions using MyCrypto

Run Livepeer CLI and select the option to “Sign a Message”. The CLI will prompt you for a message to sign.

Screen Shot 2020-02-05 at 4.50.25 PM

Step 5

Back inside the Explorer, click “Edit Profile” and select the option to add an external account

Step 6

Copy the message for signing.

Step 7

Back in the Livepeer CLI, paste and sign the message.

Step 8

Copy the resulting signature starting with “0x”

Step 9

Back in the Explorer, paste the signed message signature.

Step 10

Verify the message was signed correctly by pasting your Livepeer Node Ethereum account used to sign the message and hit save.

Step 11

You should now see your linked external account in your profile. If you visit the linked external account in the explorer, you’ll notice it now inherits your profile. Congratulations, you’re all set!

Instructions using MyCrypto

Step 1

Download the MyCrypto desktop app.

Step 2
Open MyCrypto, click “Sign & Verify Message”, and import your Transcoder account using your Livepeer Node keystore file.

Step 3

Inside the Explorer, click “Edit Profile” and select the option to add an external account

Step 4

Copy the message for signing.

Step 5

Paste and sign the message in MyCrypto

Step 6

Copy the resulting signature starting with “0x”

Step 7

In the Explorer, paste the signed message signature.

Step 8

Verify the message was signed correctly by pasting your Livepeer Node Ethereum account used to sign the message and hit save.

Step 9

You should now see your linked external account in your profile. If you visit the linked external account in the explorer, you’ll notice it now inherits your profile.


In step 2, inside my account click on setup your profile button is not visible to me.