How to use transferBond to move stake to another wallet without unbonding

Following are 2 methods for using the transferBond option to move stake using the Livepeer Proxy Bonding Manager:

Option 1 - Manually using the following steps

  1. Go to the Livepeer Proxy Bonding Manager:
    Livepeer: Proxy Bonding Manager | Address 0x35bcf3c30594191d53231e4ff333e8a770453e40 | Arbiscan

  2. Click the Connect to Web3 button and connect the current wallet address to the contract

  3. Select option 21 transferBond

  4. In the _delegator (address) field enter the address of the hardware (or any other) wallet you want to transfer your stake to. DO NOT enter the Orchestrator address (make sure this is a wallet YOU control)

  5. In the _amount (unit256) field enter the amount of LPT (in LPTU) you want to transfer.

To calculate LPTU enter the LPT amount in the Ether field on and copy the amount shown in the Wei field. i.e. 150 LPT = 150000000000000000000 LPTU

  1. The remaining fields can filled with 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

  2. Click the Write button

Option 2 - Use the following python script created by @Pon to automatically move stake when certain thresholds are met.


Thanks @papa_bear! I just wanted to point out one common mistake with manually configuring this txn per the above.

DO NOT enter the Orchestrator address in place of the delegating account address that you control by accident. Sometimes people use this txn to transfer stake towards another O, and it’s easy to make the mistake of sending the stake to the O itself, rather than to an account they control which is staked towards that new O.

Good point. Added a note to the post.

Great write up!

If anyone needs reassurance they are doing it correctly here is a live example on how to do it

Stay safe!

Move LPT


After the Delta upgrade transfer bond is now option 21


I have always wondered why such important functionality is not available in the GUI yet ?

In the GUI as in the explorer, or as an option in CLI? Either way good question.

P. S. Is it possible for a moderator to allow me to edit the 1st post to reflect the option # change since the Delta update? I also see a missing word I’d like to add :blush:

I tried bumping up your trust level temporarily to see if that works? If not, maybe just let me know the couple changes you want to make and I can add them to the original.

Double-edged sword… I don’t think it should be made more prominent than it is now.


Thanks @dob. It looks like I can just see the edit history, but not edit the post. I think it makes sense to update:

  1. Select option 18 transferBond to Select option 21 transferBond

and I noticed there’s a missing “is” in (make sure this is a wallet YOU control)