How to view your LPT in MetaMask

This post tells you how you can set up your MetaMask to be able to view your LPT balance on your Ethereum account.

It assumes the following that you already have MetaMask installed in your browser.

Follow these steps carefully:

  1. Log in to your MetaMask

  2. Select the account containing LPT

  3. Click where it says image

  4. Click where it says image

  5. Enter the following as the image :


    This should automatically populate the image to LPT and image to 18

  6. Click image

    This should show you your LPT balance for this account

  7. Click image

Your LPT balance for this account should now be visible in MetaMask.

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translation to indonesian language by volunteer from 0x88 transcoder

Postingan ini akan menunjukkan bagaimana caranya supaya Metamask anda dapat menampilkan saldo LPT pada akun Ethereum anda.

Dengan mengasumsikan bahwa anda telah menginstall Metamask pada browser, maka
Ikuti langkah dibawah ini dengan saksama

  1. Buka MetaMask dan klik pada TOKENS tab

  2. Klik pada tombol image

  3. Masukkan address dibawah ini sebagai “Token Contract Address”:


Seharusnya “Token Symbol” akan terisi secara otomatis ke LPT dan “Decimals of Precision” menjadi 18

  1. Klik image

Sekarang anda seharusnya dapat melihat saldo LPT seperti ini:


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Hi there;

I had Ether on a Freewallet,

Does the air drop is ok ?

The team of freewallet ask me the hash of the transaction of the drop. How can i get it ?
