Livepeer.Cloud Pre-Proposal - AI Metrics and Visibility

Hello Livepeer Community,

We are excited to present our proposal for AI Metrics and Visibility. Our plan is to enhance the visibility of AI capabilities within the Livepeer network by developing a service hosted by Livepeer.Cloud SPE. This service will test the network, analyze the results, and publish these insights for the Livepeer Explorer, providing valuable metrics to the all stakeholders of the community.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to your feedback and questions.

@MikeZupper -
@speedybird - speedybird.eth
@papa_bear - solarfarm.papa-bear.eth

Table of Contents

Livepeer.Cloud SPE

Our Misson

The Livepeer Cloud Special Purpose Entity (SPE) has successfully completed its first project, achieving key milestones such as launching the Livepeer Cloud Gateway, integrating Owncast, simplifying documentation, and launching a Gateway dashboard for public use. These accomplishments have laid a solid foundation, and we now propose to build on this success to further our mission of increasing accessibility and adoption of the Livepeer network. Leveraging our experience with Livepeer.Cloud Gateway operations and our active participation in the AI subnet, we have identified gaps in metrics that need addressing.

Our proposal aims to increase visibility into the AI subnet by implementing an AI Job Tester and Livepeer Explorer AI Performance Leaderboard. This project is designed in close collaboration with the AI SPE to ensure it complements their ongoing efforts. Once completed, these enhancements will provide similiar insights comparable to the Transcoding features.

Approach/ Strategy

Key Components

Below are the components we envision as necessary for the final solution. Based on the current Livepeer “Stream Tester” design, our strategy will focus on updating existing applications and components where feasible, and building new ones where existing applications cannot be updated to meet the needs of AI workloads.

AI Job Tester

A tester application will be developed that will execute test jobs against the active set of AI Orchestrators. The stream tester application will be used to support requirements analysis. Due to its current technical debt however, a new application will be developed for AI job testing.

Vercel Leaderboard Data

The AI Job Tester’s output will be captured and stored in the same fashion as the Transcoding “Stream Tester” application. This will allow the AI test data to be exposed via an API for use by the Livepeer Explorer. The current leaderboard-serverless vercel app application will be enhanced to support AI and Transcoding data.

Explorer AI Leaderboard

Livepeer’s Explorer will be updated to add an AI Performance Leaderboard. The AI Performance Leaderboard will read data from the Vercel Leaderboard API and present them in a similar manner to the current Transcoding Performance Leaderboard.

AI Tester Architecture

Expected Impact

Building these new capabilities will have an immediate impact on Livepeer. The Livepeer Explorer will now be able to display the top-performing Orchestrators running on the AI subnet.


  • Orchestrators will have access to their performance data via the “Vercel Leaderboard Data.” This allows them to create Grafana dashboards to show their performance and availability.
  • Orchestrators can use the Livepeer Explorer AI Performance Leaderboard to see how they rank among all active orchestrators.
  • Orchestrators can use the AI Job Tester data to determine which models to load warm and which pipelines to support.

Gateway Operators

  • Similar to the transcoding selection process, Gateway Node operators can use the AI Job Tester performance data to exclude orchestrators with consecutive failed tests.


  • The Livepeer Explorer will provide visibility into AI Node Operator performance, helping delegators make informed decisions by identifying those who significantly contribute to the AI subnet’s performance. This should result in stake moving to high-performing nodes.

  • The AI Job Tester is key to establishing node operators’ reputations and proving their credibility within the AI subnet. This will help attract stake and entice real demand on the network.

App Builders

  • Application builders will have better visibility into which models are supported on the network, their usage, and performance metrics.

Key Metrics

Here are some of the potential metrics that will be collected and stored as part of this project:

  • Timestamp
  • Region
  • Model
  • Pipeline
  • Upload Time
  • Download Time
  • Round Trip Time (RTT)
  • Inference Time
  • Error Codes/Conditions
  • Orchestrator ETH Address


The key milestones for this project include delivering the Tester and Leaderboard before making changes to the Explorer, though the plan is to deliver all capabilities in a single milestone at the project’s end. The entire solution is expected to take up to three months from the date of approved funding, depending on the team’s development velocity and potential changes. The timeline could be influenced by adding development resources to accelerate the effort.


To foster transparency, the Livepeer.Cloud SPE team will be deliver all source code and documentation to their respective Github repositories. The contents will be publicly available and licensed with the permissive MIT license.

Additionally, the core team will all be compensated through this proposal. The teams members are:

Mike Zupper - Architect and Technical Lead

papabear - Community Lead, Testing, and Documentation

Speedy Bird - Technical Implementation and Documentation

The three members have all previously made open and consistent contributions to this community. They are experts in enterprise software systems from web applications and video processing to advanced analytics and AI applications. We are frequently present in the community events and forums.

Livepeer Inc, and the AI SPE will NOT be providing any funding to Livepeer.Cloud SPE for this effort. Our work is funded solely by the Livepeer Treasury Proposal.


The SPE team will distribute the funds among themselves after payment. The community’s input before and during the SPE will be collected via:

  1. A Livepeer forum post seeking feedback on the proposal prior to submission.
  2. Attendance at the following events to discuss the proposal, collect feedback, and reshape (if necessary) the proposal prior to funding: Weekly Water Cooler Chat & Treasury Chat
  3. After approval, the team will continue to attend the following events to present progress: Weekly Water Cooler Chat & Treasury Chat

If the team finds based on community feedback that additional milestones are desirable, the SPE will produce a revised milestones and/or another proposal to fund such initiatives. In fact, the SPE team believes this proposal naturally lends itself to building out additional capabilities.


The funding requests will cover the following expenses:

  • SPE Team Member Activities for Requirements, Development, Testing, and Documentation
  • Community and AI SPE Collaboration and Engagement
  • SPE Hardware, DevOps, and Network Fees

The cost breakdown for these efforts is as follows:

Component Cost
Livepeer Explorer Modification $37,000
Leaderboard Data Collection and API Modifications $46,000
AI Job Tester & Test Routines $49,000
Infrastructure, DevOps, Network Fees $21,000
Total $153,000 USD

note: funding to be converted to LPT at time of proposal submission


@speedybird, as discussed in our previous conversations, I am extremely excited about this proposal :heart_on_fire:. It provides a crucial component necessary to incentivize the expansion of the AI subnet and offers the community valuable insights into its performance. While my group currently doesn’t have the bandwidth to take this on, implementing it in the near future is essential. Therefore, thank you again for undertaking this important task!


I think this would be good to have some visual feedback in the explorer on the AI subnet.

My feedback cross posted from discord:

I read a lot of “will be developed” but most of this infra already exists; except for a simple daemon like stream-tester for AI jobs.

I would make sure the proposal reflects this a bit more by updating the semantics used. E.g. not “the existing leaderboard API might play a role in this” , but “the existing leaderboard API will be extended for AI jobs”.

The goal should always be to build on the existing stack as much as possible, and reinvent the wheel as little as possible, I think we can agree here. I Think the community would also prefer extending existing tools rather than having to familiarise with a new toolset.

The only service you’d probably want to write from scratch is an ai-tester for the simple reason that stream-testeris a convoluted piece of software that’s sorta duct-taped together to support the stream testing. It’s original intention was to be part of the test-harness, which I think is no longer used internally ?

An AI tester daemon can actually be a much simpler piece of software.

Btw the vercel-leaderboard-api uses a POSTGRES database using JSONB. Initially I made it to use Mongo but then introduced me to postgres & JSONB. Both adapters still exists but I’d stick to postgres


Thanks @NicoV and @rickstaa!

I went back through and updated the proposal to address your feedback and other inputs. Here are the changes:

  1. Licensing - We have clarified that the project will be shipped under the MIT license. While Apache is a great license, there are concerns about its compatibility with GPL v2 products.
  2. Stream Tester - This project has become quite complex due to the many features added over time, extending it beyond its original design. To better meet our current needs, we will be building a new tester from scratch focused on AI jobs.
  3. Explorer - Explorer is a focused product with many capabilities that we do not intend to replace with a new solution. Therefore, we will be directly enhancing it with new features to support AI functionality.
  4. Vercel Leaderboard Data - We will be refactoring this to add support for AI data while maintaining backward compatibility with current functionality related to transcoding.

The proposal is now on the Livepeer Explorer. Voting begins July 31 2024!


This is awesome. Performance transparency is crucial for the AI subnet.

I’d like to recommend capturing additional data if possible, especially around the job parameters. This can help add more context around inference performance. For example, it’s important to know the # of steps for an SD inference job when evaluating performance.


That’s a good idea @ericxtang.