Problem with Ledger Nano + Metamask + Chrome

Hi, I am having a problem with claiming my LPT earnings via Metamask. I use the latest Ledger ETH v 1.2.11 + the latest Chrome (v 78.0.3904.87). The strange thing is that it still has been working on 10 October … ?!?

I receive the following error message,- can anybody advise what to do?
Thank you.

[ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC ‘{“value”:{“code”:-32603,“message”:“Error: TransportStatusError: Ledger device: Invalid data received (0x6a80)”,“stack”:“Error: Error: TransportStatusError: Ledger device: Invalid data received (0x6a80)”}}’

P.S. Unbonding is giving me the same error message.