Telegram @OrchestratorWatcherBot


This is a quick post to raise awareness of the Telegram bot, which allows you to keep track of the onchain activities of Orchestrators on the Livepeer network.

Activities reported by the bot include:

  • reward calls
  • winning tickets redeemed
  • changes to reward cut or fee cut


To set up OrchestratorWatcherBot:

  1. open this link in Telegram.
  2. send a message /start
  3. send a message:
subscribe 0xdac817294c0c87ca4fa1895ef4b972eade99f2fd

It is possible to subscribe to more than one Orchestrator, by sending another subscribe message, such as:

subscribe 0x525419ff5707190389bfb5c87c375d710f5fcb0e

About OrchestratorWatcherBot

OrchestratorWatcherBot is a project as part of the Livepeer Community, by @vires-in-numeris.

This forum post contains more information about the project

Use the 0xVires/web3-livepeer-bot github project to submit issues or pull requests.

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