Transcoder Campaign: Chainflow Transcoder

Hi Everyone,

We missed our first reward call in as long as I can remember yesterday. This is a by-product of high gas prices. We re-funded our validator with more ETH, yet neglected to restart the Livepeer daemon after doing so, which led to the reward not being called.

We’re happy to pay out any rewards you may have missed. Contact us here to arrange that.

As an aside, we’ve been paying A LOT in gas. Recently one reward call transaction cost $100. Nevertheless, as mentioned above, we’ve added more ETH to cover these costs and are committed to continuing to do so.


Hi Everyone :wave:

We’ve added a GPU transcoder to our Livepeer architecture and are creeping toward the Top 10 on the performance leaderboard.

We’ll be continuing to monitor and optimize this configuration to support Livepeer as it takes its next steps to provide decentralized video encoding at scale :tv::muscle:


P.S. - If you recently unstaked from us due to poor performance, please do consider staking to us again. Contact me if you have any questions about our current and future plans to continue supporting the network.

After weeks of tuning and troubleshooting, we’ve stabilized our Livepeer GPU transcoding :muscle:

You can now find us in the top 5 performance rankings on the dashboard :tv:

Our gratitude to the Livepeer team and community for their assistance along the way :pray:

P.S. - If you recently unstaked from us due to poor performance, please do consider staking to us again. Contact me if you have any questions about our current and future plans to continue supporting the network.

Head’s Up!

Due to the current high gas prices, we plan to increase the Chainflow Livepeer Orchestrator’s reward cut from 7.5% to 12.5%.

For example, yesterday’s reward cost us about $136 in gas to call. Our income was about $35, resulting in a net loss of $100.

The change will happen on Tuesday, Feb 9, 2021. If you are currently delegating to me and object to this increase, please let me know in the comments before then.

Currently 25% of my reward goes toward paying for gas. The reward cut increase will offset that gas price increase.

I will consider dropping the reward cut once/if gas prices start dropping again.

Thank you for your continued support :pray: