If you use Brave to access the Explorer, or any other web3 dapp for that matter, you may have recently experienced an issue connecting with MetaMask. The reason why is because Brave recently introduced its own native metamask-like crypto wallet and, unfortunately, it doesn’t play nice with MetaMask. Here are instructions from the MetaMask team on how to get your MetaMask wallet working with Brave again.
It has come to our attention that some users are experiencing issues connecting to DApps with MetaMask on Brave. For those who need to access their wallet on Brave, you can fix the issue by going to Settings > Brave Wallet, switch the toggle to OFF, and then restart the browser.
— MetaMask (@metamask_io) October 15, 2019
Alternatively, if you want to ditch MetaMask in favor of the new Brave wallet, you have the option to restore your MetaMask wallet with Brave’s local crypto wallet by going to Brave Preferences → Crypto Wallet → New Local Wallet → Restore.