As you might have noticed, there have been some issues with the Transcoder Watcher Bot in the last few days:
- No Reward Call notifications for certain transcoders
- Incorrect warning messages claiming that certain transcoders did not claim the reward yet
The reason for this is a syncing problem with the geth light client: From time to time, the syncing fails and a couple of blocks are skipped. Now if the reward call falls into a skipped block, my bot script won’t handle it (since the filter is set up to only listen for new events and not look at past blocks).
- I’ve reset my peer list for the light client and so far, there were no skipped blocks.
- If the syncing problem keeps coming back, I’ll rewrite the script in a way that a few skipped blocks won’t matter. E.g. the bot would check every 500 or 1000 blocks in a round if a reward call or reward cut change happened and send notifications.
And as always: If you get a warning message or no reward call message, please always check manually on etherscan if the transcoder didn’t claim the rewards yet.