Cryptocercle Orchestrator / Transcoder campaign

Hi !
My Name is Laurent. I’m a west EU crypto fan.
I started my own node few days ago, after transcoding on livepool for serveral weeks.
I love Livepeer protocol, I’m fully involved.

My node started at round 2198, and I began claiming reward, but I am the only stacker for now.
I’ll do it again if there are bondings on my orchestrator account.

My node is running on Windows. Its 24/7 always ON, and my 2 RTX 3080 rigs (24 GPUs) are registered on it to transcode your works. I have 10Gb bandwith.

The pixel price is 100 Wei. Try it, adopt it !

My Orchestrator ID : 0x329e1502108c6204afc8e26a3a14a3b03bf432ca

| Status | Registered |
| Active | true |
| Service URI | |
| Delegated Stake | 73.945261454108309044 LPT |
| Reward Cut (%) | 100 |
| Fee Cut (%) | 100 |
| Last Reward Round | 2200 |
| Base price per pixel | 100 wei / 1 pixels |

Cryptocercle Orchestrator / Transcoder

Update :

The pixel price is now 800 Wei

My Orchestrator ID : 0x329e1502108c6204afc8e26a3a14a3b03bf432ca

---------------------- ---------------------------*
| Status | Registered |
---------------------- ---------------------------*
| Active | true |
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| Service URI | |
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| Delegated Stake | 277.939 LPT |
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| Reward Cut (%) | 5 |
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| Fee Cut (%) | 95 |
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| Last Reward Round | 2222 |
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| Base price per pixel | 800 wei / 1 pixels |
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| Status | Registered |
| Active | true |
| Service URI | |
| Delegated Stake | 278.047762138008009297 LPT |
| Reward Cut (%) | 3 |
| Fee Cut (%) | 75 |
| Last Reward Round | 2236 |
| Base price per pixel | 800 wei / 1 pixels |

Changed the fees cut : More for delegators when ETH will arrive, and more LPT reward for delegators who give me the chance to become a great orchestrator :wink: