Transcoder Campaign: Captain Stronk

Awesome build, what about case fans? I am asking cause I am sure some people will be willing to just copy paste it! Also would you mind sharing cpu /gpu top/side temps under full load?

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This particular case came with 3 large case fans preinstalled. I only had to move one to make space for the AIO for the GPU’s. Since the 2 AIO’s have 2 fans on them as well airflow seems to be decent enough.

If I stress test the CPU it reaches it’s +95°C limit, and at idle it’s at +50°. Maybe I shouldn’t have kept the pre-applied thermal paste on the cooler :). On the other hand any realistic load might not reach thermal-throttling range.

GPU’s stay below +55°C at full load, so those hold up fine.
I do have two temperature sensors in the case, but I haven’t been able to read them out yet (something with this new chipset still requiring some Linux driver support or something). Other devices stay at +50°C when the CPU is blasting though.


Stronk Brag :muscle:

While we are dilligently working towards the next set of PR’s to the Livepeer AI project, the Stronk Orchestrator reached a new milestone last month, namely being the #1 fee earner in April 2024

At the request of other node operators, in April 2022 we started tracking & posting a monthly leaderboard in the Livepeer Discord payout channel, summarizing activity happening on Livepeers’ smart contracts and how fee earnings were distributed across Orchestrators.

Now two years later, the Stronk Orchestrator took home over 7% of all fees that month. No doubt caused by our excellent pricing strategy and participation in the AI alpha, this is the first time that our Orchestrator has managed to claim the #1 spot in fee earnings!

Due to our 0% fee cut, any ETH we earn immediately gets distributed to our Delegators.

Stay tuned for more updates. While the AI SPE team is working hard laying the foundations for robust AI inference at scale, we’re excited to unlock new use cases for the AI subnet.
The next post will feature an extensive list of changes made to the AI pipeline and what this means for developers who want to leverage these features.