Weekly Update - 15 September 2018
Welcome to this week’s Chainflow Livepeer Transcoder update. This week we stayed in active mode holding at #15 in the top 20 transcoder list.
- Current LPT Stake - 7206.25 LPT
- Last Week’s LPT Stake - 6779.59 LPT
- % change - 6.3% increase
We called rewards for every round this week.
My gratitude to everyone’s who’s delegated their LPT and trust to me to date!
(You can join us by bonding your LPT here.)
Last week’s activity summary -
Here’s a summary of last week’s activity
- Assigned a task to my virtual assistant team to check reward calls daily
- Confirmed rewards called daily
These two tasked confirmed rewards were called daily!
- Partially determined why our stake dropped so much the week earlier
Doug and Yondon sent me the link showing that a single unbound transaction caused an ~11k LPT drop in stake. If this was you, I’d appreciate an opportunity to earn back your trust. Drop me a line here to initiate a 1on1 Telegram chat and let’s talk!
This week’s priorities -
- Continue calling all rewards!
- Automate monitoring, ask virtual assistants to continue manually checking too.
- Review Yondon’s ideas about running a Transcoder DAO.
Short-list of near-term to-do’s -
- Implement automated monitoring solutions.
Aaron from Bison Trails developed a transcoder SMS alerting script. I suggested he modify it to use a Telegram bot. Once he does that, I’ll push reward call updates to the Chainflow Livepeer Transcoder Telegram Channel.
- Figure out why we’re not receiving fees.
- Run Livepeer as a systemd service and
- Continue working my way through this very beneficial Livepeer DevOps post.
- Studying the Supermax stats.
- Keep an eye on transcoding tests the Livepeer team is running.
Catch you next week. If you have any questions in the meantime, add a comment here or catch me in the Chainflow Livepeer Transcoder Telegram channel.
P.S. Want to join us? Please do by bonding your LPT here.