Transcoder Campaign: Cluster

I’m mamood, an orchestrator based in London. I have a patent (US11153626B1) in video streaming and 5 years of experience building video applications for Amazon Prime Video. More than 80% of the internet bandwidth is video, and that number is rapidly growing. People today consume more videos with higher quality than ever before.
Cluster transcoder network aims to not only earn income but to grow the decentralized video streaming infrastructure to support the next wave of immersive applications. We succeed when we can actively contribute to the Livepeer protocol by providing feedback, shaping their roadmap, or even developing complementary software. Our belief is that the best way to start evolving the new Web is by becoming owners of the LP network ourselves. Come join Cluster and build the future with us.


Welcome to Livepeer!

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Thanks Titan for all the help and guidance!

Welcome to Livepeer. Great to have you here. Want to post the link to your node on the explorer in the original post, so that those reading the campaign can easily find it to delegate?

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It seems that I can’t edit my original post, unfortunately. I can only edit comments.