Transcoder Campaign: @j1v

Still in the leaderboard for Round 2 of the MVP Performance Program.

Unfortunately neither this, nor the previously lowered reward cut has lead to a stake increase.

At current high gas prices I’m loosing between 0.15 and 0.05 ethers a day, so unfortunately I will have to raise reward cut back to 10% in order to try keep up with the Tx taxes, while gas settles back to some acceptable levels.

Happy new year everyone.

Ethereum gas price and tx taxes are crazy high again, so I had to raise to 60|% till that’s over to cover the losses and stop the expenses.

Thanks for trusting me, stay safe

Looks like the stake increased a bit recently. Hopefully that, combined with the 60% reward cut, makes it cost effective for you to continue running the highly performing node.


Are you planning to increase rewards?

Unfortunately, at the current crazy high fees and high volatility I find it much too risky and on the “bleeding edge” to keep up :frowning:

Unfortunately at the current moment my strategy has to be to stay low and not spend more fees on adjusting rates ti the networks calms down.

Hey @j1v I missed this resignation. Sorry to see you go.

The good news is, that Fees are now starting to run through the network… so if you’ve got any NVENC chips sitting idle, now’s a great time to connect them. You could even try them against livepool, as the slimmed down experience… no need for reward calling etc.

I have been very busy with a lot of unpleasant stuff lately :frowning:

It is comming to an end though, after that I’m planning to spend a lot more time, effort and some money for crypto projects, one of them of course Livepeer.


Well, I’m very sorry to hear that. I obviously don’t know the details, but I wish you a brighter tomorrow… and just remember, whatever you’re going through, it’s not going to be for ever… these things which are sent to test us are like rainclouds… just passing by.


j1v, Resignation?
Are you shutting down your node/transcoder?
I apologize if I am misquoting. Just want to clarify the above comment.
And if not, are you considering scaling back your fee cut with the increase price & structure on claiming?

No, I am not shutting it down. I was also confused my the term videoDAC used. I guess he was having something different in mind - probably that I was forced by the high tx taxes to change my first approach of having the lowest fees.

To you second question - yes, very soon. At current LPT prices, orchestrating profits have become less risky, so I’m planning to change accordingly ASAP.

Thanks for trusting me.

Thanks for the quick reply and clarification. I have been with you for years now, and you have always been generous.

Any thoughts on the transcoding aspect of the system?

Stay focused on the big picture with your recent struggles. When we reflect on past adversities, though we don’t welcome them, they are what build our character and strength.


After that protocol has been unpaused, reward cut has been lowered back to 10% - that is on the edge of providing some security against losses from transaction cost at during such volatile period.

Hopefully that will bring some more stakers :pray:, so I could lower it back even more.

Have you ever thought to distribute eth fees? And why not, if you are earning of course? Also now gas fees lowered so much… Is reward cut back on the lowest?

I am not earning yet, awaiting my GPUs to arrive soon, also talked to a few other people to start transcoding trough my orchestrator.

Yes, tx cost have dropped lately, reward cut will be lowered ASAP

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It did not last long. Have to switch back to 10% to cover tx costs, as fees skyrocketed again lately.

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Yes, hoping that those doge fakes do not clog uniswap anymore…

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My first livepeer GPU setup is ready and seems to be working just fine. Planning to add more transcoders when I gather more info and experience, if it’s needed of course.

Thanks to VB, gas prices have returned to more “normal” levels, but because of the transaction price for changing them, Fee and Reward cut will be updated as soon as gas prices settles at these levels for at least a couple of days.


@j1v you are a rockstar!

Come find us in #transcoding channel on Livepeer’s Discord server, if you need any help with anything.

Also… did you set up monitoring yet? It’s beautiful!

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Hi so the fact that you add GPUs means that now you serve also as a trascoder right?


Nope, I was hoping that but i was referring to this link that uses the word fee share, which is 100 - fee cut…

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