Ultima Ratio (formerly Atlas Video) is a new Orchestrator with strong an reliable hardware (multi GPU) and bandwidth (5Giga with FSP Connector and very low latency.)
I will claim all the reward on daily basis as soon as delegator will start to stack on my node, covering the price fee with the fee cut from the wining ticket.
When there are enough LPT stacked, i’ll change the fee cut to share with all the delegator.
Reward Call and reward cut changed to 15% and fee cut to 65% to share the reward with my (future) delegators !
Ultima Ratio is a very performent node, so if you stack, you ll win from earned fee, then reward call.
Still waiting for my first delegator who wanna share ETH fee from my reward
Come on ! Stake with me and my node will win more job !
The first one delegator will share 35% of the ETH earned fee each time the node will get a winning ticket !
2 tickets already won in 15 days, and lot more to come with the help of your stacked LPT !
As the node run very well, we just need more delegators stacking LPT to explode the ETH fee gain !
In this purpose, i reduce the reward cut to 4 ! and the cut fee to 50% ! Come on ! Feel free to Stack on Ultima Ratio and share half the ETH fee right now !
and of course, daily reward for LPT will be mandatory when first delegators ll stack their LPT !
Node is running fine, i did some work to improve the transcode score !
So the node is now at the top in term of performance ! Just need more stakers for getting always more jobs
Reward call every days, and cut fee is 50%.
Hi. I notice you are always achieving 100% success rate on the performance board and was wondering how you manage to do that. Would you be willing to share some details about your setup and maybe some tips on how you keep the score up?
Hi, i just keep my node up permanently if possible, giving it all the ressources available.
i’m a 15 km of my IPS’s national backbone injection point.
I have 2 servers, one standalone under linux with 3 T, one other with windows in O/T setup, i’m doing test with both of them on Rinkeby, and try to run the best setup on Mainet.
I have 4 gpu, 1070, 2080 TI, 3060, 3090. but actually i run only 2080TI and 1070 cause of the lack of job. waiting for the Broadcasters demand growing
Hope that could help
Due to the actual lack of jobs on the network, and despite the strong power and reliability of the node, the eth fees do not allow me to cover the call reward costs (actually we can occurate 2 wining tickets by month, but if jobs coming, the node can easily handle at least 1 ticket/day) .
I therefore have to temporarily increase the cut fee. I would restore it to 50% as soon as the Orchestrators’s demand allows it. (hope sooner )
I’m pretty sure that for my delegators the most important things are :
1 - don’t touch the reward cut !
2 - call reward EVERY DAY !
Do not hesitate to contact me on discord or telegram to give me your opinion or for any question.
Hello everyone !
Ultima ratio is today regularly in the top 5 Global performance (often number 1 in Asia and Europe).
By increasing the stake the number of jobs will increase enormously, generating more and more fees to be shared with the delegates.
the reward cut and fee cut will be reduced to the advantage of the delegators.
Thank you very much for your trust and support.
Following the exploit yesterday morning of the GETH protocol, which raised the gas rate sharply, I tried several times to manually pass the call reward during the day (14 times).
Unfortunately, I had not seen that the 1st call reward was blocked pending with a value of 37Gwei.
when I realized that the transactions would be validated if the 1st pending passed, I tried to cancel the pending transactions. unfortunately it seems that it is impossible to replace a classic transaction (the one used by livepeer) by an EIP-1559 Tx transaction (have a separate nonce)
This morning, the gas went below this value and the transaction was released, then all the following ones, completely emptying my ETH account. (over $ 1000).
How you have to learn from your mistakes, I would now be careful not to keep more than enough ETH on the node account, and I would monitor that a transaction does not remain pending through etherscan.
I am looking for a solution to find sufficient funds to continue the daily call rewards. You can count on me.
Thank you for your support.
I just wanna thank you for your support yesterday.
I don’t know any of you in person, but what i’m sure about, is that i’m proud to be part of your community, and more of that, of your Livepeer family.
Sharing is the word that best represents livepeer.
Livepeer is not only an ambitious and lucrative project, but also a grandiose experience, a rewarding learning.
There are ups and downs, obstacles from time to time, but what always is, is mutual help and generosity! So thank you so much to all of you.
Special thanks to Windex (0x3bb-dexpeer) for his huge contribution
Ultima Ratio still remains in the top 5 nodes, and has undergone a major upgrade.
It has the computing power and bandwidth to make sparks!
But we need more lpt stack to get enough jobs.
With this in mind, and while waiting for the migration to L2, I would reduce the call reward to 10% when we reach 150k lpt, then to 5% at 300k lpt.
I would also reduce the fee cut in order to benefit my delegators as much as possible.
Ultima ratio is still in the top 2 in terms of performance, and wins more and more works, and winning tickets.
In order to always share more profit with our delegators, we must increase the number of lpt stakes.
With this objective we try to maintain the call reward on a daily basis and despite the crazy gas prices.
In addition, the objective of reducing the call reward to :
15% for 100,000 lpt,
10% for 150,000 lpt
5% for 300,000 lpt
remains valid.
And of course we are impatiently awaiting the confluence update in order to be always more competitive!
At current gas prices, and with our stake/Reward cut ratio, LPT and ETH transactions have turned into negative transactions.
We don’t want to miss any more call rewards.
We therefore temporarily increase the reward cut by 10%, while the gas price calms down (i.e. average price under 100 Gwei on etherscan, actually it’s more between 100 Gwei and 200 Gwei), or, in the worst case, if the gas refuses to go down, until the Confluence upgrade is implemented.
Ultima ratio stay in the top five transcoders in terms of performance since more than 6 months.
Ultima ratio is moving towards the migration to L2 with confluence, still with a position in the top 5 in terms of performance, and with a capacity of more than 80 streams in real time.
For the moment this power is very underused but we are ready for the future and for the massive adoption of Livepeer by broadcasters!
We are always working to increase our capacity to be at the top in terms of profit for our delegators.
Thank you all for your support and count on us to be always present for the coming year 2022!
Ultima Ratio migrated without incident to the Arbitrum network.
Since a few weeks we have upgraded the service for a total of 3 nodes covering the whole world, with a capacity of more than 100 streams in real time.
We continue to improve the service, in order to bring the best to the broadcasters and our delegators.